Learn About the Kinds of External Risks That Companies Face

Class Action Lawsuits
SPARTA’s class action lawsuits team, comprised of renowned law professors, scientists, engineers, public relations experts, and various industry leaders are dedicated to defending your company from potential litigation and class action lawsuits. SPARTA will effectively move your company into a better position by developing a comprehensive plan to address the legal, political, social and financial viability of the company. SPARTA will quickly lay out any and all possible solutions to the situation. Recent changes in the law both in Europe and in the US allow consumer organizations to bring claims on behalf of customers. A class action lawsuit can be one of the most difficult things your company faces. Do not face a class action lawsuit alone. Bring the power of SPARTA’s trained experts to your company’s biggest fight! Let SPARTA see your company safely to the other side of your class action lawsuit. Call today for a free consultation.
Strategic Projects
A strategic projects campaign is an organized campaign to create pressure on a company by its competitors or outside entities in order to force a company to bend or contort to the outside organization’s will. For example, a labor union may start an online petition drive creating thousands of online signatures by supposed customers in order to place pressure on a company to sign a neutrality agreement. Another example would be a religious organization that may be utilized to pressure your company to move in a certain direction in reference to a particular political issue. Don’t be a victim to these sorts of tactics. Bring SPARTA’s professionals in to defend your company from strategic project campaigns and protect your brand from the 21st century’s corporate bullies.

Corporate Campaigns
Organized groups such as labor unions, environmental groups, political organizations, religious organizations, government agencies, even your competitors, can launch corporate campaigns against your company. Often the smear campaign will be done through social media informational picketing, organized phone banking, or a letter writing campaign. These campaigns can be incredibly damaging to your brand as well as customer confidence. Depending on your corporate structure you may have your Board of Directors, Corporate Investors, or key individuals targeted to apply maximum pressure on your company’s resolve. Let SPARTA’s team of experts help develop your communications strategy and plan of action either well in advance of a corporate campaign or after one has been launched against your company. Call SPARTA today for your free consultation.
Environmental Law
Environmental law governs any environmental issues regarding industries, businesses, and government entities. SPARTA can help your company have a clear understanding of your options such as regulation and clean up regarding hazardous chemicals or hazardous materials and the consequences of violating environmental standards. SPARTA’s environmental experts can help your company maneuver through the ever-changing world of environmental law and develop a plan to ensure your company can operate with confidence no matter what region of the world your company is operating. Rest assured SPARTA will help you develop a clear action plan for your environmental strategy both in the United States and abroad, including communications, local environmental laws restrictions, regulations clean up responsibilities, public relations management including social media strategies. The world has gotten much smaller and information moves much faster. Let’s face it, mistakes happen. Make sure your company has done all you can to protect your biggest asset, your corporate reputation.

Corporate Injunctions
SPARTA has a reputation of defending companies and corporations from injunctions filed by labor unions, environmental groups, and competitors, as well as federal and state governmental agencies. A court-ordered injunction restrains your company from doing or performing business as usual or restricts others who are under your control from doing business as usual. Your company may also be facing an emergency injunction order, which means the order would be immediately executed. Don’t allow a bad situation to get worse. Call the professionals at SPARTA and let our experience protect your company from its biggest threat. Call today for a free consultation.
International Corporate Services
Do you find yourself traveling to a country you are not familiar with or a country known as hostile to U.S. businesses or citizens? Do you want to know what to expect when doing business with countries such as Russia, China, India, Africa or the Middle East? Let SPARTA protect your international interests with SPARTA’s elite trained experts in international trade law, security, transportation, securing land and materials, foreign government affairs, securing work visas, international labor law, embargoes, subsidies, import export law, as well as professional translation services. SPARTA protects your assets abroad. With SPARTA’s team you can be rest assured that your company and your assets are safe and secure.